


位於美國密蘇里州堪薩斯的「寵物項目動物收容所」(KC Pet Project)最近在社群平台抖音上分享了一段救援影片,拍下一隻因受凍失溫的狗狗被柔軟的毛毯包裹著,周圍所有護理師都拿起吹風機往狗狗身上吹,試圖用熱風讓牠恢復正常體溫,而狗狗也在搶救下逐漸恢復生命跡象並重拾活力,與死神搏鬥的瞬間讓許多網友看了都好心疼。


@kcpetproject Horton was found unresponsive and abandoned in a home during the coldest part of our winter. He arrived at our shelter on January 19th when the high was expected to reach only 12 degrees after he was rescued by our Animal Service Officers. He was found with another dog who unfortunately did not make it. After being rushed to our shelter, our vet clinic team jumped into action to save Horton’s precious life. Hair dryers, blankets, and even slippers were placed on Horton to help bring his body temperature back to a normal level. Little by little we started to see signs of life. From slightly blinking his eyes, to making eye contact with one of our vets as she spoke words of encouragement to him…he was showing us that he was ready and willing to fight. Before we knew it, Horton eagerly ate wet food that we provided to him showing that he was fully conscious even though he was still very weak. A vet tech carefully carried him to the floor where he could be closely monitored for the rest of the day. Just a few days later…Horton is showing his sweet personality and enjoying the affection and care that our vet clinic is giving him. Horton is on his way to a full recovery and we will fight for him just as he fought for his own life. Our Animal Services Division is pursues criminal charges at the highest level. #animalshelter #shelterdog #shelterpet #vetclinic #vetcliniclife #kansascity #animalservices ♬ Sad Scene BGM Piano Instrument(313618) – HomeMadeGarbage

收容所表示,當時霍頓與另隻狗狗被人發現捲縮在廢棄的建築物裡,而堪薩斯市當地的氣溫相當寒冷,兩隻狗狗被緊急送往收容所救治時都冷到失去意識,霍頓則是在吹風機、毯子的保溫下慢慢的清醒,從緩慢眨眼到能與工作人員眼神交流, 3A娛樂城 堅強的牠一步步從鬼門關前走一遭,最後完全清醒後霍頓開始大吃大喝,逐漸恢復正常。只是霍頓身旁的另隻狗狗已不幸去世,接下來收容所將找出是誰狠心將狗狗遺棄,並追究最高層級的刑事責任。

影片被分享到網路上後,累積超過420萬次觀看次數,吸引大批網友湧入留言直呼「快哭了」、「霍頓眼神好讓人心疼」、「我快哭了,我們人類根本不配養狗 3A娛樂城 」、「遺棄的人一定要得到最嚴厲的處罰!」、「人類為何能夠如此殘忍呢」、「看看那個眼神,誰會捨得這樣做」、「一定要抓到嫌犯!」、「祈禱寶貝以後的日子一定要健康幸福。」


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